Which electric do you use?
Which electric will we be using?
What kind of appliances can run on DC (direct current) and which have to run on AC (alternating current)?
Which electric will we be using?
What kind of appliances can run on DC (direct current) and which have to run on AC (alternating current)?
These are all questions that our Tech Tips class has been answering for us. This class has given us all kinds of information about what kind of situations we will find ourselves in as we live over seas. From electric to water to housing. All of the cool gadgets, information and technology tips really makes me feel like James Bond.
We have given each other shots, looked in each others ears with an otoscope and learned how to take blood pressures.
There have also been a few really nice days where we have been able to get outside and have some fun.
God continues to show us that HE CAN DO IT. It does not matter what it is God supplies and through that He is continually building our faith in Him.
We have the privilege of hearing our fellow classmates speak in our Student Teaching class as well as in our Romans (Christian Life) small groups. What an awesome thing to hear and see the Body of Christ living, growing and being conformed into the image of Christ (Romans 8:29).
God truly has engifted His body (the Church) in just the right way so that as we rub shoulders together we build each other up in Him and spur one another on in His love.
We pray
that God will continue to challenge us, our classmates as well as you to further conform us into the image of His dear Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.
that God will continue to challenge us, our classmates as well as you to further conform us into the image of His dear Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.