Thursday, January 31

Happy Birthday Chloe!!!!

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Here's the Birthday Girl on Sunday

As many of you know, Chloe was saving her money for something she wanted for her birthday. We were out on her birthday looking for one and couldn't find one anywhere, so we told her we would keep looking on line and we'd call the stores to see if they had any in stock. We found one today while she was at school so, we put the games in the purse where she was saving her $$$$, and when she got home I told her to go get the purse so we could count her money, one more time. This is the video of her getting it.

I think she was excited!!! We put her hair in Tori's

spongy curlers overnight and that is what it looked

like after a day at school. It was much curlier in the

morning, sorry I didn't take a picture then.

Well, we only have a couple more days left in our first block. We are done reading and just getting ready for the finals.

There is a lot of illness going around, Tori said that 25 out of 50 7th graders stayed home sick today and 10 more were sent home . We have been fairly healthy, except for Derek, last Friday he had a temperature and throwing up. There were 21 kids out in childcare that day?!?

We got our physicals done this week so we can finish up our application for MTC. We went to the same Dr.'s office John did when he had the pox. They see New Tribers for FREE!!! That saved us $300 EACH. We hopefully will get them out by Friday or Saturday. The quicker the better, I hear they have already got 150 applications and they only have room for 75. Not to worry though, they "save" some room for people they know are coming from the BI (Bible institute). I guess there are a lot of people who want to go through MTC (missions training center) that haven't been through the BI.

The kids are hoping to have a snow day tomorrow, we're supposed to get 6-10" by Friday afternoon.

Other that that, not much is going on. Thanks for your continued support and many prayers!!

Monday, January 14

Happy New Year!!!

We had an awsome time seeing everybody, we stayed up too late, we ate too much food, we played games into the wee hours of the morning and we got more stuff than would fit in our van for the ride home. If you haven't heard our van was protesting the trip back to MI, we had stopped in Erie, PA for a pit stop and the van wasn't going another mile. Apperantly the transmission leak we thought we got fixed before we came home didn't fix the problem!? Anyway, we were very thankful there were 4 hotels to pick from, one right in the same parking lot. So we stayed the night and got a fresh start in the morning. We were home by 2pm. Although it's great fun to be home in NY with everybody, it's also good to get back to our own beds!

The kids were back to school last Tuesday and we go back this Wednesday. We have spent the week unpacking, restocking our refridgerator and getting our trees down. The kids always hate to see them go, but if we didn't do it before classes started they might be up until summer. I'm glad that we didn't go all out decorating this year, it makes for easy tear down!

Here are a couple pics from Christmas Eve and morning

We are so thankful to have been able to spend so much time with our families and friends over break. Our last year has been a great one of growth and learning here at school and we can't wait to get back into our classes. We are getting registered today and tomorrow, then John will start with Daniel/Revelation @ 8am, we will both be taking Philippians and I II III John @10 and 11. We are getting excited about getting back to learning and reconnecting with our friends here at New Tribes.

Top 10 list for 2007 (not in any particular order)
1. Romans class!!!
2. Overnight in Canada w/ kids at indoor water park
3. Staying up all night with Merrills (to bring in the new year of course!)
4. Being youth leaders at North Baptist for the summer
5. Dinner at McBrearty's (the one without kids)
6. Leadership training with NTBI
7. Weekends at Matt & Connie's
8. Day at the beach with the kids in Holland
9. Dinner at Santoso's- Indonesian style
10.Flying to Atlanta by myself

I will be trying to update more often, so check back weekly!

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