Well, things sure have been busy around here! John got the chicken pox as most of you know, and that really messed things up! He has spent the last 3 weeks catching up on his work. Now that he has recovered we are finally getting a minute to update the blog.
This was day 8
this was a gift from the guys down the hall
This was the kids table at John's brother's house
where we had Thanksgiving. His parents were
there too, and then they came back to visit us
before they went back home.
We had a great time and the kids have loved getting to know their cousins better.
The kids decorated their own tree
We have 12 hours before we are suposed to leave for NY.
I guess I had better go pack!!!
Thursday, December 13
It's begining to look a lot like Christmas
Posted by
John & Becki Bennett and family
Friday, October 12
Ellie and Derek's birthday parties!!
John's brother Matt and his family came for Ellie's party.
Derek had friends from school come to his.
Tori is playing soccer on her school team- GO DEFENSE!!!!
This is her 1st year being able to play on a school team and she is doing great and is having a blast.
Don't forget to take our poll! ----->
Here is a great video to watch!
Here Am I, Send Me - MercyMe
Posted by
John & Becki Bennett and family
Saturday, September 22
Le tour de le dormatory
Becki took a couple of pictures and I thought maybe we should share them.
The Lord has given us a lot of opportunities to enjoy things that if we were not here in Michigan we would never had been able to enjoy. So we praise God for providing for us.
Trust God. He is faithful.
Posted by
John & Becki Bennett and family
Wednesday, September 5
First test of the semester!!!
We just got back from our first test this semester. It was for Romans class, from chapter 1 - 3:20, where Paul argues that ALL mankind is condemned whether "heathen", moralist or Jew, we are all condemned.
Praise God that Jesus has paid all that we could never have paid!!!
Today in Chapel, our speaker shared from Matthew 11:27-30. What a privelege it is to be a Christian and to be conformed to the image of His Son through getting to know Him. The context of this section is on getting to know God and Jesus says that we will learn from Him. When we take His yoke upon us He will teach us, just as a mature oxen teaches the young oxen as they plow a field. The mature oxen leads and does all the work until the young one learns. Isn't it GREAT that we can and do learn from Jesus, through His Word!!!!
We thank every for thinking of us and praying for us as we, by faith, follow God's plan for using us in this fallen world.
We can't wait to hear from you and to hear what God is doing in your life.
Please continue to pray for our kids as they have started school again and will have a busy schedule again. Tori is planning on play soccer with her school and we are hoping to get Chloe and Ellie back into Saturday morning gymnastics class.
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John & Becki Bennett and family
Friday, August 24
Back to school!!!!!
Obviously summer was too busy to BLOG, so now that we are back and life has calmed down again... here we go again!
School started on Wednesday, and God is again showing us that He is the one who initiates world evangelization.
Romans 10:14-15, 17
"How are they to call on one they have not believed in? And how are they to believe in one they have not heard of? And how are they to hear without someone preaching to them? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How timely is the arrival of those who proclaim the good news." "Consequently faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the preached word of Christ."
God has given the message (the Gospel) to be preached and He has commanded us to "go into all the world".
A qoute from our Romans class notes:
"It is His gospel that He promised beforehand in His scriptures that He inspired through His prophets that He had chosen to speak His message - it is the gospel of His Son. And it is God who is reaching out to the world with His gospel."
We are so glad to be able to spend so much time in studying God's word. A special thanks to all who have helped us to get here and to all who are continually praying for and supporting us while we are here.
Our home church, North Baptist Church, treated us so well this past summer, what a blessing it was to be able to go home and feel so loved and be so blessed.
here are some pics of the last couple weeks!!
Sleeping Bear Dune, Lake Michigan

At leadership training the Little country church we met in
Posted by
John & Becki Bennett and family
Thursday, June 28
Back in Corning, NY
The kids have enjoyed staying the night at friends houses and getting to know each other again.
Derek capturing his cousin Josh.
Thank you for praying for us as we continue to seek God and His will for our lives.
Posted by
John & Becki Bennett and family
Saturday, June 2

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John & Becki Bennett and family
Saturday, May 19
She's Back!
Tori had the awsome opportunity to visit the Grand Canyon a few weeks ago with about 20 kids from her school. (7th and 8th graders and 2 of their teachers) She had a great time and thought the airplane felt like a roller coaster. They were busy the entire time, they went to a minor league baseball game, a museum, a cavern, and of course the GRAND CANYON!!! Here are a few pics.The1st one is from the airplane window.
Posted by
John & Becki Bennett and family
Friday, May 11
John's parents came out to visit us this past weekend and we all had a great time catching up! We took them to Holland (on the others side of the state) and looked at a few tulips along the way. Then we went to the beach, but it was too windy. The sand was hitting us so hard it was sandblasting our legs. After we got some lunch we tried another beach that you had to walk 15-20 minutes through a wooded trail to get to. It was beautiful there, but we had to head home (2 hour trip!) so we only stayed 20mins.
Tori is headed to Arizona this Wed. til Sat. on a school trip to the grand canyon!! I'm hoping she takes a lot of pics because chances are we won't make it out there any time soon. Not much else going on except the lasts few days of school. John has 1000 words left on his BIG paper and then it's pretty much smooth sailing until the end! We will be moving on or around the 25th of May and we will be heading back to NY in the 2nd week of June. see ya-all later!
Sorry there are no pics this time, I'll try again next week.
Posted by
John & Becki Bennett and family
Monday, April 23
Fun in the sun

Posted by
John & Becki Bennett and family