Obviously summer was too busy to BLOG, so now that we are back and life has calmed down again... here we go again!
School started on Wednesday, and God is again showing us that He is the one who initiates world evangelization.
Romans 10:14-15, 17
"How are they to call on one they have not believed in? And how are they to believe in one they have not heard of? And how are they to hear without someone preaching to them? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How timely is the arrival of those who proclaim the good news." "Consequently faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the preached word of Christ."
God has given the message (the Gospel) to be preached and He has commanded us to "go into all the world".
A qoute from our Romans class notes:
"It is His gospel that He promised beforehand in His scriptures that He inspired through His prophets that He had chosen to speak His message - it is the gospel of His Son. And it is God who is reaching out to the world with His gospel."
We are so glad to be able to spend so much time in studying God's word. A special thanks to all who have helped us to get here and to all who are continually praying for and supporting us while we are here.
Our home church, North Baptist Church, treated us so well this past summer, what a blessing it was to be able to go home and feel so loved and be so blessed.
here are some pics of the last couple weeks!!
Sleeping Bear Dune, Lake Michigan

At leadership training the Little country church we met in
We miss you!! The kids are missing the cousins being in town and spending time with them!!
So glad you are settling in so well and you are back in school
You are sorely missed back home but we know you are learning lots and accomplishing the Lord's plans for you and your family-
I hope to see some of those family pics in my inbox--full version
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