Friday, January 16

New Year, New Van

Here's a little of what we've been doing...


on the way to Michigan for Thanksgiving we saw the Arch

Chloe and Ellie with Uncle Pete
We stopped over night at my brothers house

Derek and Eun Chan
Best buddies


Tori and her friends all dressed up
for the winter formal
They looked so grown up!

Decorating the tree even tho we were only
going to be here for a couple of weeks

Cousins reunited for Christmas!!
They were so happy to see each other again

Tori and Aunt Tonya
sporting the new hats

Uncle Brett giving Derek a "Flowbie Cut"
He's not a big fan of the vacuum or haircuts so you can imagine how this went

We made it back
(with a new van!!!)
you guys are awesome

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